are you guys up to make new mix experiences?
Hey guys!! Ill try not too...that was a celebration! We won championship for our baseball league! So we popped a couple bottles!!
Por aquí todo bien, espero que por Costa rica tambiénMassive show from Ange huh
Todo bien en Espanna??
Vamos a bailar
great stuff, trust me.
even if it was -15 celsius at night :LMAO:
Don't worry We're just enjoying the photos... and then NOT focusing on the most noticable attributes of the pictures
That's the trick :grinning:
Just looked at my profile
Last Activity: 19-12-2010 04:40 PM
Current Activity: Viewing Thread 19-12-2010 End of Year Countdown 2010
Not the only one
Bridge picture @ "Faces"