Good morning or good night: what's the state you're living at, Ollie ?
somewhere between heaven and earth i guess
hello AprilAero! yes you almost hit the 12k!!!
i am fine, here listening a bit of trance before work at night
how are you my friend?
Thanks a lot people! my english is not very good but i am listening this fantastic event around 4 years. Trance is the most beautiful music ever made!
Not very good ? I think your English is very good and hey: it's no school with teachers here
tired , been awake since this all started.
Hey Danmark! Good to see you
04:00 - Manuel Rocca
01. SlaviX presents Perfect Race - The Life Outside (Lifted Mix) [Crystal Source]
02. Bushi & Luke Terry - Skyfall (C-Systems Remix) [Unearthed Red]
03. Robbie Seed - Memories (Manuel Rocca Club Mix) [Nile Tunes]
04. Vitodito and Daveij - Behind The Curtains (Manuel Rocca Remix) [Stories In Trance]
05. Exostate - Without Warning (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
06. Tommy Baynen - Evening Sky (Stonevalley Remix) [Digital Society]
07. Manuel Rocca - Late Afternoon (Original Mix) [Silent Shore White]
08. Cylum & Velden - Waiting For Sunrise (Manuel Rocca Remix) [Silent Shore White]This track was Played on ASOT 537
04:00 - Manuel Rocca
01. SlaviX presents Perfect Race - The Life Outside (Lifted Mix) [Crystal Source]
02. Bushi & Luke Terry - Skyfall (C-Systems Remix) [Unearthed Red]
03. Robbie Seed - Memories (Manuel Rocca Club Mix) [Nile Tunes]
04. Vitodito and Daveij - Behind The Curtains (Manuel Rocca Remix) [Stories In Trance]
05. Exostate - Without Warning (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
06. Tommy Baynen - Evening Sky (Stonevalley Remix) [Digital Society]
07. Manuel Rocca - Late Afternoon (Original Mix) [Silent Shore White]
08. Cylum & Velden - Waiting For Sunrise (Manuel Rocca Remix) [Silent Shore White]This track was Played on ASOT 537
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 38 (15 members and 23 guests)
danmark_ori, ollie+, gsinovsky, DJ Eunostos+, Acuario51+, daviddeere+, NePtUnO, DeeplyDisturbed, ManuelRocca+, AprilAero+, n0dix+, Curs3d, David KRK, Realpolitik, guillermoqd
04:00 - Manuel Rocca
01. SlaviX presents Perfect Race - The Life Outside (Lifted Mix) [Crystal Source]
02. Bushi & Luke Terry - Skyfall (C-Systems Remix) [Unearthed Red]
03. Robbie Seed - Memories (Manuel Rocca Club Mix) [Nile Tunes]
04. Vitodito and Daveij - Behind The Curtains (Manuel Rocca Remix) [Stories In Trance]
05. Exostate - Without Warning (Suncatcher Remix) [Enhanced]
06. Tommy Baynen - Evening Sky (Stonevalley Remix) [Digital Society]
07. Manuel Rocca - Late Afternoon (Original Mix) [Silent Shore White]
08. Cylum & Velden - Waiting For Sunrise (Manuel Rocca Remix) [Silent Shore White]This track was Played on ASOT 537
awww, dont forget to take a moment to rest from time to time