jddavid86, The Cat Lady+, Miss Glam, D@NEE, aakos+, branisla krafcik, Squall+, franz101, lukasjader, ComPYZ, Matt Trigle
Hello All
all what I can say with the currently playing track is
hi there Wailo
ehh.. wailo!
well, u r right but she promised me.. haha, of course, sure...
hey wailo
nice set
yeah,i have been ok
they're still recovering from the blastHello ComPYZ
Yea. it is
I have been pretty fine, thanks
Since the EOYC, the forum is very empty!
Miss Glaaam hope you are fine today!
am great thank you!:smile:
it depends if the dj post it or if anyone can id the whole tracks:smile:guys where can i get a tracklist of the songs in every set?
help plzz
ComPYZ: check the first page of the topic. Its updated during the set.
Hello ComPYZ
Yea. it is
I have been pretty fine, thanks
Since the EOYC, the forum is very empty!
Fair weather friends! Losers!
Everyone who REALLY matters is here on a daily basis. (kiss) :grinning:
Okay. The link for your Ladies Night gifs isn't working. What the deal is, is that the site does not appear to always be available. It seems to depend on the time of the day. It's not working in either IE or FF at this time. Are you sure you don't want to use my RapidSpace account or maybe just FTP it directly to our server? (kiss)