its close but still cold im waiting for ollie to get back home and see what she has to say about going :grinning:
it's cold?
how will be the weather in September?
its close but still cold im waiting for ollie to get back home and see what she has to say about going :grinning:
ok......yeah but i do configurations before the machine goes to the user, installing everything in the machine
gud 4 u?
ok now pokemon
dude was jokingwell it's my job, put the pc's working
Hey,Maxi !
News about your party here in BG ?
it's cold?
how will be the weather in September?
as of now 17 degrees C and partly cloudy, but its been raining during the day so it will be muddy at the place where hes playing
dont know about the weather in september
Ей,Вили ! как си днеска бе,миличка..Пфф..голяма жега , а ? И в Пловдив ли беше така
Айде поздравявам те с това парче в момента,лично от мен за теб
not much differences with the current ' summer ' weather in The Netherlands right now !
not much differences with the current ' summer ' weather in The Netherlands right now !
but : cold ? C'mon
thanks im fine and yes it's hot in Plovdiv съжалявам, че не можах да ти покажа града,но трябваше да съм на работа по това време
05. Oceania - Never Forget (Arctic Moon Remix)