None of those, plus I would never play Fragma or Deadmouse...
Another hint then!
Artist name starts with 'g'
you played askew remix of this track? please say if you did
None of those, plus I would never play Fragma or Deadmouse...
Another hint then!
Artist name starts with 'g'
you played askew remix of this track? please say if you did
I know you would be so happy.
Well you were right!
I am.
You said if you couldn't guess but you did.
Yes it is 'One Way (John Askew Remix)'
so much omg
oh :blush:
come here my bird
because it's one of you favs for a long time
Put me on your shoulders!!! coocko coocko
Yes since beginning of the year been my favorite.
and now I can't wait even more
mhm and after that I will teach you how to kiss
amazing is this tune
After that teach me how to swear in polish and some other things.
oh such bad words? :beat: anything you want
You will kill such bird with this kind of beating.
no I will not let my bird to die it's gonna be gently beating
Just stretch my wings out and clip them... That would be enough torture.
never I will be more careful than that
I will peck your hands and fly away if you dont be gentle
I don't want to lose my bird
He will just fly back to you, he will miss you too much
same as I will
You will drown me in the toilet once you find out I been talking to another bird.
oh you know me so well maybe the idea of stretching your wings wasn't so bad at all
very well. well thats torture i would love. you gonna have to find something else