Thanks and mutually Tomorrow is day tooohhh i doesn't soung good hope you get better
So I see I'm not alone
I had nightmares & I woke up extremely tired...
send some sun from brazil to Poland
Morning !Morning AH
So I see I'm not alone
I had nightmares & I woke up extremely tired...
Beer addict !
now you're gonna get killed !! RIP - Snoop
look who is here
In polish summer is simirarly. I remember when I was in Athens in this summer and was near 43C . This was hardcore when we toured cityLOL!
I wish I could....I do like sunny days, but summer here tends to be TOO hot, you know?? Some days are just so hot that you can´t be yesterday...I went to a park, but it was impossible to stay there too long....I was melting...
I prefer the medium days..neither too hot nor too cold...