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2007|02|13 Hawk The Natural Selections 006

hawk will play 2 times a month now so more coming from hawk!!!
2 times a month......thats awesome news :)
Little correction to the playlist - it´s "Cressida & Store-n-Forward - Why don´t we talk about it (Hawk´s talking dub)"
We made a collab there with Store-n-Forward (in short: SnF) and the vocals are done by Chris who is one of the SnF guys - people should know that ;)
Great set Hawk!
Little correction to the playlist - it´s "Cressida & Store-n-Forward - Why don´t we talk about it (Hawk´s talking dub)"
We made a collab there with Store-n-Forward (in short: SnF) and the vocals are done by Chris who is one of the SnF guys - people should know that ;)
Great set Hawk!

Sorry about that one mate ;) It´s fixed now
