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2007|02|17 Nitrous Oxide presents Accelerate Session 020 Cell X Breaksfest Guestmix

back to my type of steady beat, a bit quavery but still alright
just let the brilliant music waft over you - awesome stuff
These tracks are ageless - they'll be played for years to come.
brilliant track after brilliant track - masterly
Why they always put a vocal in I dont know - maybe its because
you all like them
saying that this is not so bad - short anyway
that bit over lets get back to some great beaty stuff
you're right Bee Bee - just me having a bit of a whine
Actually it was very good - oh heres another one - shes gone
got it back - very strange - must check the machine tomorrow - meanwhile
back at the set - we have lovely sound again
Strange isn't it Bee Bee - dont normally have any probs at all, do you?
