hello AvA
He was always married. Ever since I've known him. He has a teen-aged son. I think he has more than one kid, but I can't remember right off hand.
hello AvA
I think he wanted to say "two months"Windows 2? They're up to Windows 7 now.
Im fine - had to tune in for Darren and Markus - Im a bit tired, so will go to bed immediately after this set!! and how are you?Hi dear
Nice to see ya
How are you??
Never been keen on his vocals... find them a bit grainy.
calm down garfield
You'd never know from his posts here :LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:
people are having sex to this music!
Hello AVA! TCL!! hello everyone
an awesome job!!!!!!!!!!pretty good remix by C.G.
Hello AVA! TCL!! hello everyone