22-02-2008 Marcel Woods @ AH.FM February

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If I'd live in London and have weekends off I'd be every friday and/or saturday in a club. Every! Even by myself...:mask:
i go by myself lots of times
but it gets strange after a while coz u cant beat any1 up or be rough:mask:
kickass club too
im soooooo gonna get back at them next week
im gonna freakin spike their drinks with some tranqs or smthg:mask:

yeap it's my impression or looks like trance will going back to Ministry of Sound at Fridays:super:
looks he passed you:lol::lol:

Everybody is passing me. At the start of December, Dan was getting nervous, cause I'd just hit 5,700 posts and was only 400 behind him... now look at me, I'm not even in the top 10 posters anymore.

It's Friday night! Where is my boyfriend, Danmark? I miss him. :lovers: :cat:
01. Natural Born Grooves - Kingdom Comes (Like My Candy Remake)
02. Marco V - Dudak (Brian Cross remix)
03. Par Grindvik - Do Us Part (Len Faki Remix)

where did you get the tracklist lady?:)
If I could I'd just post :mml:s through all this set ;)

Oooooh... Wish to hear this one in a club/on event :angel:
Everybody is passing me. At the start of December, Dan was getting nervous, cause I'd just hit 5,700 posts and was only 400 behind him... now look at me, I'm not even in the top 10 posters anymore.

I was in 3rd place before my banning at ... the other place ... :mask:

It's no longer a valid game for me since I had to start all over again. I don't have time to play that game any more. Too much work. Oh well. It was fun when I was in the game while it lasted. :grinning: :cat:


For a moment there I thought my headphones were fu_king up. :lol:
