see u! bye!damn i have to go, back later hopefully
back when :kissing2:
see u! bye!damn i have to go, back later hopefully
hey DhumDejwid, Victoria, TranceMagic, JulB, Zul, Sypher, Miss Glam, Leuzimn, huibie, TimmyNether, _dmt, BlacK_OnE, watisluv, existent, marco18, -=Med=-, Craig London, Outfan, Gab, t4e, BassT4ken, Matt Trigle, AndyAce, Squall, robejaegs, The Cat Lady, a'ndY, Pr0gI, joe-shadows, Jellyfish, S.W.A.P., crillo, zegan, trance4lie, ericcatalin, jarminvonnitely, JTParker, Brombaer
Hello everybdy
damn i have to go, back later hopefully
Dejwid, Victoria, TranceMagic, JulB, Zul, Sypher, Miss Glam, Leuzimn, huibie, TimmyNether, _dmt, BlacK_OnE, watisluv, existent, marco18, -=Med=-, Craig London, Outfan, Gab, t4e, BassT4ken, Matt Trigle, AndyAce, Squall, robejaegs, The Cat Lady, a'ndY, Pr0gI, joe-shadows, Jellyfish, S.W.A.P., crillo, zegan, trance4lie, ericcatalin, jarminvonnitely, JTParker, Brombaer
Hello everybdy
Dejwid, Victoria, TranceMagic, JulB, Zul, Sypher, Miss Glam, Leuzimn, huibie, TimmyNether, _dmt, BlacK_OnE, watisluv, existent, marco18, -=Med=-, Craig London, Outfan, Gab, t4e, BassT4ken, Matt Trigle, AndyAce, Squall, robejaegs, The Cat Lady, a'ndY, Pr0gI, joe-shadows, Jellyfish, S.W.A.P., crillo, zegan, trance4lie, ericcatalin, jarminvonnitely, JTParker, Brombaer
Hello everybdy
Dejwid, Victoria, TranceMagic, JulB, Zul, Sypher, Miss Glam, Leuzimn, huibie, TimmyNether, _dmt, BlacK_OnE, watisluv, existent, marco18, -=Med=-, Craig London, Outfan, Gab, t4e, BassT4ken, Matt Trigle, AndyAce, Squall, robejaegs, The Cat Lady, a'ndY, Pr0gI, joe-shadows, Jellyfish, S.W.A.P., crillo, zegan, trance4lie, ericcatalin, jarminvonnitely, JTParker, Brombaer
Hello everybdy
-17 C??!
and i thought i lived in a cold place
hehe.. you are excited when the weather is not minus anymore :grinning2:
blaaaah to xmass shopping, i don't get near a Mall starting november till february LMAO
yeah and cold lol...-17C Feels like -28C this morning ...but going above 0C this week