Dude,stop making me feel like an idiot...
TE 2008 :tongue:
Dude,stop making me feel like an idiot...
Dude,you're the man that's connecting to the Internet
from every possible location on this planet!
What's happening?:grinning:
this set was great
chillen mate just trying to get home but all the flights are booked
I can lend you my private heli if you want...:grinning:
blaaaah...saw him 3 times last year :tongue:
I can lend you my private heli if you want...:grinning:
What up bro!
blaaaah...saw him 3 times last year :tongue:
i have better, a private jet
i have better, a private jet
nothing much at the moment and just chilling.
did he play "rush hour" those 3 times last year? :tongue:
you win...ill take the jet
sorry rothgar...jets are much faster
actually he didn't LOL
hello again
you win...ill take the jet
sorry rothgar...jets are much faster