23-01-2008 Vexilium - Different Dimension 030

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    Votes: 7 77.8%
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    Votes: 2 22.2%
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Dude,you're the man that's connecting to the Internet
from every possible location on this planet!

What's happening?:grinning:

chillen mate just trying to get home but all the flights are booked :P
i love this one, blasting on my headphones:music:

nothing much at the moment and just chilling. :fishing:

did he play "rush hour" those 3 times last year? :tongue:

actually he didn't LOL

hello again :hug:
you win...ill take the jet

sorry rothgar...jets are much faster :)

That's cool man!
I'm not in the mood for competing right now!
Coz otherwise I would have won about an hour ago...:mask:
