dame i was in the wrong thread...lol
:LMAO: hello M.G.
dame i was in the wrong thread...lol
use RapidSpread, which allows you to upload to 5-6 different sites
LOL is difficult to me to find a good host server, some people complain about megauplaod, others complain about sendsapce
btw i have a new set this one with sendspace
how are you? :beat:
DanielKandi, Miss Glam, Anjunick, wailo, FlyAway, Emotion, t4e, Agger, Flenk, Nydude, kemar, Jorn van Deynhoven, Squall, ozzyxpm, Maxi1985, AlteredState, TeroA, orcan, damiano, aakos, MoAmyot, z33k, s1mple, Jellyfish, The Cat Lady, transistor, Matt Trigle
Hello everybody
just tuned in
thanks for the tip
and thanks to Emotion too
how's going?
flyaway i need to post up the pics...but i didnt have a chance to take a pic with him cuz security was a bit**
good for mirrors
It always depends on the dj, some are playing boring and some are playing good/interesting tunes.
hey t4e I heared you've been to NY the last weekend...how was it?
Like this Mausy kinda tune !
things are tight here with internet browsing (lucky to be able to tune to AH). I will see how it goes with sendspace.
I am fine :beat: thanks :beat:
why you are disappeared these days?:beat: