а я как-то его и не заметил ни разу)) полярного)) ты его знаешь, да?Я думал он из англиии или типо того что-то))![]()
он с Голландии, хороший малый. вчера скорефанились

а я как-то его и не заметил ни разу)) полярного)) ты его знаешь, да?Я думал он из англиии или типо того что-то))![]()
finally you noticed me! i have like 2 hours ago wrote to you.
Finished breakfast some hour ago .. .. ..
But I'm planning to have some sleep this night !
Hehe, I´m here too. Loving this set...![]()
I prefer beer!!!![]()
OK. Written by: G-mail ? PM ? Or posted on the Forum ?
I did and do mostly notice your posts. I just cannot respond to all of your posts :smile: Got other things to do as well. My responses have a random pattern
Mike Nichol
Mike Nichol Discography at Discogs
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Real Name: Mike Nichol
Profile: Trance Producer & DJ
hello to russia and belgium! send vodka and chocolate please!!!
(wow, what a combination, i think that'd probably make me throw up)
posted on the forum :har:
Russian vodka isn't joke to a lot of tourists=) but it's cool drink in a company of a friends and so on=)))![]()
So - not responding is not the same as:
- not reading, let alone:
- ignoring