yeah, i know. but it's alright!No, sorry again Sypher... Its not the ST remix...
the n2o remix is a killer anyway, but the original is better :tongue:
yeah, i know. but it's alright!No, sorry again Sypher... Its not the ST remix...
what's up bucket?Hi Sypher
yeah, i know. but it's alright!
the n2o remix is a killer anyway, but the original is better :tongue:
:grinning:I just adore the guitar part in the N20 remix.. simly amasing.. But yea.. the original is great too!
Just tuned in, listening on my new headphones... sooo much better than the stupid mac speakers... seriously who puts speakers facing away from the listener?
LOL nah... someone listening to metal wouldn't face them away either... I think mac developers like Yani and Kenny Ga dude listening to metal!
Just tuned in, listening on my new headphones... sooo much better than the stupid mac speakers... seriously who puts speakers facing away from the listener?