Hello peoples!!
\O/ EOYC \O/
hey guys
Feel better now but very fkn' busy have almost no time
tuned 15\7
and u?
I love this set
he/she/:dontknow: deserves this--->
Hey hey hey!
hi friend,what´s up
Hello! to yas!hello Rob
welcome to the party
That's a Mike Nichol tune or remix for sure, but exclusive, can't name it
i´m soon setting my livingroom on fire - with all the heat that is inside of meeeee, this is puuuuuuure madness
super in a good way that is :grinning2:
Hello! to yas!
I'm quite sure who ya'll know what DJ i'm waiting for and it isn't Shulz either:grinning2:
yesterday was 1422, hopefully 1500 for tonight!
oh yeah?