whew, thanks :grinning2:Carl B-Just Hold me
Carl B-Just Hold me
Carl B-Just Hold me
does anyone watch american football?
be careful with what you guys consider spam.
just because there is much people posting at same time doesnt mean they are spaming.
imagine 1000's of people posting like we are doing now, this place sure would go 100 pager per minute. and we are not spamming.
i was talking about record listeners
yeah packers are my team. too bad they suck this year
hey t4e
hey whatever happened to that falling records?
yea i was watching the game earlier...i think the score was 24 to 19 packers...am rooting for the packers...but am happy tht the giants won yesterday!!
im off everyone. be back later
hi LS
fell off my charts, don't know, the whole "relationship" went sour at some point
im off everyone. be back later
i was talking about record listeners