YeaDaniel Kandi singing!! prepare for fun
but the sound was good.
Get ready for the Santa track :grinning2:
I look outside my windooow, i see the piles of snow grow. I want to build a snooowmaaaaan.
I leave my little dark room, so i can go and build it, and show it to the neiiighbooour.
Laaaateeeeer, my food, is the owen is done, yum yum yuuum.
And lateeeeeer, the food, will be in my tum tummy tum tum. *Screams* : timmeeeeh!!!
its christmaaaas, its christmaaaaas, i can feeeeel iiiiiiit.
I can almost see it. Santa in the ether!!! Out theeeeere.
my absolute ALL TIME favorite song and they are killing it this way :angry: