tonight i'm going to play the world premiere of my new track 'Pacifica' (original mix)
trés bien on l'attend
tonight i'm going to play the world premiere of my new track 'Pacifica' (original mix)
Wasn't it already on ASOT (Not that I listen that show anymore, but saw the tracklist...)
EDIT: Was Temple One remix, nevermind
And did you play it on Luminosity? Was it your first own tune you played?
Originally Posted by Fast Distance
tonight i'm going to play the world premiere of my new track 'Pacifica' (original mix)
ozzyxpm, youzzz, showwmann, Emotion+, DistantLand, Buffalodave2, Abovemebeyondyou, PitBullek, T-Rance+, mrm1988, Fast Distance, tomekmocarz1, Joe-Shadows, angel, Flenk, kevdig00, Kr0san, Sypher+, Seshi, Sam B, dj2seth, chilapastras, aakos, *AvA*, Newman81, Agger, Trifix, trancefan0883, s1mple, boww!, danmark_ori+, ZrAiGhT+, wailo, Laan, JayCan, SUNNY TOMORROW+, UnanyMouse, The Cat Lady, Rudika
Helloooooooooooooo !!!!!
Yeaaaaaaaaaaahh !!
Sorry if i can't post a lot guys but my connection is slow as hell tonight
Yes it was but Temple One remix
First play tonight for original mix
This track sounds similar to Sunblind - Believe (Arc In The Sky Remix)
This track sounds similar to Sunblind - Believe (Arc In The Sky Remix)