24-12-2007 AH.FM End of Year Countdown

i'm out to eat

next replay is really good. Mike Nichol:grinning:
ok .. and how would you blend Inspiration with Quicksand? I mean at what point in terms of cue time

i usually cut a track at the end (last 30 seconds or so) rather than cut it somewhere between 30-90 seconds before the track actually ends, which is if you will notice, many progrssive trance DJs today do including armin and ferry and blank and jones, armin told me once, he doesn't like to push a track too far at the end but he likes to start as early as possible, given the tempo has progressed beyond 120-130 bpm

i also asked ronski and he too does the same thing it seems, and even re:locate (paul moelands).... :P

they suck, i hate it when they cut off tracks too prematurely, the only person i have seen who likes to mix tracks like i do is broooooooo granddaddy DJ !! wooooooot !! :grinning:
My wife is an addict for horror movies and I have to sit and watch them with her. Its really irritating to self impose fear upon oneself :angry:
My wife is an addict for horror movies and I have to sit and watch them with her. Its really irritating to self impose fear upon oneself :angry:

haha ... marriage kix ass !! :lol: :lol:
My wife is an addict for horror movies and I have to sit and watch them with her. Its really irritating to self impose fear upon oneself :angry:

Man,I just searched that "Decent" movie on "Btjunkie" and the only thing I found was sth about shemales.
I'm assuming that's not the one...:mask:
i usually cut a track at the end (last 30 seconds or so) rather than cut it somewhere between 30-90 seconds before the track actually ends, which is if you will notice, many progrssive trance DJs today do including armin and ferry and blank and jones, armin told me once, he doesn't like to push a track too far at the end but he likes to start as early as possible, given the tempo has progressed beyond 120-130 bpm

i also asked ronski and he too does the same thing it seems, and even re:locate (paul moelands).... :P

they suck, i hate it when they cut off tracks too prematurely, the only person i have seen who likes to mix tracks like i do is broooooooo granddaddy DJ !! wooooooot !! :grinning:

crap, i can't take this anymore, sorry, but sean tyassss is going to rock my ears right now ...... wooooohoooooo !! :dancing:
