24-12-2007 AH.FM End of Year Countdown

This track is light, airy, melodic and uplifting.

Quite unlike Markus' usual.

Lovely track though. :lovers:
:hug::hug: Not that I have such a huge fur on my back.... but like a hug from time to time:lol:

not you :P...i was talking to tomek :)

aah wth...have a hug too, its friday :hug:
hOLLY SMOOTHIE!! Need to be friday to have a hug!!:P:wow:
Wait I post my pic on the pic thread!!!!:mask::)

i don't care for looks :P:P:P

can you tell yet what kind of mood i'm in? LOL

j/k :hug:
SEAN TYASSSSSS in daaaaaaaaaa mix !!!! triple w0000000000t !! :dancing:
alright i am already here :mml:
