what does the winner have?
City where was the very first GDJB World tourwhat question was?
me too lol o welldamn i was too slow
ehh nevermind
bittersweet stuff
im not bashing dash berlin at all. i love the stuff they put out. i was just saying its silly for someone not to like signum because they did a remix of an alice deejay track lol.
09. Mike Foyle Presents Statica - Deadly Nightshade (Phynn Remix)
i love itttttttt
Congratulations, you're the winner!
SciLog1c! 10xCity where was the very first GDJB World tour
Damn Google when they say their's is the fastest search engine!
09. Mike Foyle Presents Statica - Deadly Nightshade (Phynn Remix)
i love itttttttt