Hi c.d!
Just in time for the climax of EE 015 and MLS.
Indeed...i wanted to tune before and listen to whole EE...but i got sutck in some duties...
But I´m here now...
How are you,mate??
Hi c.d!
Just in time for the climax of EE 015 and MLS.
Indeed...i wanted to tune before and listen to whole EE...but i got sutck in some duties...
But I´m here now...
How are you,mate??
lost h
off key - showdown
I'm very good, but tired. Stayed up too late last night. Not sure I'll be able to stay awake for the football later.
hehe, yeah. next set will probably lift the roof yet again, i hope!probably the chill-out here gives a nice contrast to the next set for the moment, I'm totally satisfied listening to Duderstadt
probably the chill-out here gives a nice contrast to the next set !
so far, I've been totally satisfied listening to Duderstadt
Bassline Sessions earlier was pretty chill also, you should watch for a replay.