Nice arp bass there. Awesome FX to in this
Will this show be avaliable to dl at all? And is there a backlog of the previous shows?
Maybe it'll be ripped , i have no idea
Hello HaigHey all
hey mateHello piccoli+, Zul, BassT4ken, INSBURG, aakos, Squall+, xander2v2, Fast Distance, FlyAway, Chris Parker, t4e+, AD4E, brs, palletpaul, BenParker, vinniee72+, Pallos, djshog, SciLog1c, Relaxation, chris41, Dan Carmelo, marcelor, TFG and Juanpi :grinning:
You have more? (A lot?) Fans in Poland
Sorry for my egnlish is very bad
Hello piccoli+, Zul, BassT4ken, INSBURG, aakos, Squall+, xander2v2, Fast Distance, FlyAway, Chris Parker, t4e+, AD4E, brs, palletpaul, BenParker, vinniee72+, Pallos, djshog, SciLog1c, Relaxation, chris41, Dan Carmelo, marcelor, TFG and Juanpi :grinning:
Hello piccoli+, Zul, BassT4ken, INSBURG, aakos, Squall+, xander2v2, Fast Distance, FlyAway, Chris Parker, t4e+, AD4E, brs, palletpaul, BenParker, vinniee72+, Pallos, djshog, SciLog1c, Relaxation, chris41, Dan Carmelo, marcelor, TFG and Juanpi :grinning:
Hello piccoli+, Zul, BassT4ken, INSBURG, aakos, Squall+, xander2v2, Fast Distance, FlyAway, Chris Parker, t4e+, AD4E, brs, palletpaul, BenParker, vinniee72+, Pallos, djshog, SciLog1c, Relaxation, chris41, Dan Carmelo, marcelor, TFG and Juanpi :grinning:
No prob mate ; )
BenParker, Hi Spider Man uncle