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hello again:grinning2:
did i tune in in the right time?
Obvious fools.
They weren't right for you, then. That's all there is to that. The right one is looking for you. Right now. Even as we type. (kiss)
Have a good sleep, sanyekk ! :grinning:
hello again:grinning2:
did i tune in in the right time?
You are the 6000th post writer CongratsMy wife love it tune...
oye... i hope it too... i love Amsterdam :grinning2:
just watching Love Actually :grinning2::grinning2: stupid movie :grinning2::grinning2:
will bee tuned all night
<object width="580" height="200">
hello again:grinning2:
did i tune in in the right time?
Yeah-yeah, tell me about it .. .. .. Philosophically or theoretically, you're right. Practice often is different. :grinning2: I was just dealing in terms of ' probability, of ' chances '
it's funny :grinning2: It was on tv here the other night :grinning2:
hello again:grinning2:
did i tune in in the right time?