when you only refresh the page every 2 minutes
sorry ^^
when you only refresh the page every 2 minutes
Would never happen to me
Would never happen to me
keyboard failure MTBF : 5.000.000 pressings
bjerre doesn't need to use refresh at all, he can just hit "submit" instead
bjerre doesn't need to use refresh at all, he can just hit "submit" instead
keyboard failure : <F5> button MTBF : 5.000.000 pressings
Yes - that's the trick... only wonder how the 30 second limit can be bypassed once in a while
Think you're right about the MTBF
Only thing is that coffee can kill the keyboard - long time before MTBF
did you experiment already with some alternative ways of posting ?
Friday night
Yes - he's right (ALT+S)
Do you really want to be known as a half-minute hero?