who´s that?:smile:hey David, do you know Der Mystik? i think comes from Colombia
who´s that?:smile:hey David, do you know Der Mystik? i think comes from Colombia
Merci mec,
Pas frenchie mais belge :smile:
welcome back d-manback again
Mea culpa ... c'est la même langue ... quasi pareil !
Aux moules/frites pres !
who´s that?:smile:
It was awesome. It was Midnight Blue Metallic, with the light baby blue and walnut Pony interior. 289 engine. I would drive it around with the top down and I had long hair like I do now. I was young and beautiful in a hot car. Guys would run down the street after me, calling out. I never stopped of course, it was Houston. But I always wondered. Was it ME or the CAR? :LMAO:
Poland - Norway 31:30
what is that match about?:smile:Poland - Norway 31:30
08. Dreas VS Alex Robert - Mormugao
Emotion+, Sypher+, fernie, jddavid86, piccoli+, Laan, tranceman_g, The Cat Lady+, Estaria, Hltman, Agger, Fast Distance, *AvA*, SUNNY TOMORROW+, T-Rance, aakos+, kenanteke, djdamianah, ResidentGrouch, Mr.Tortle, Raian, dtown, TFG, Kodest, xander2v2, ahnfeldt+, wailo