hey man
Hey Altered-Mind, The_Yeti_+, solarwind45, ollie, LaCeeN, Laan, The Cat Lady, tomekmocarz1, Leuzimn, Sypher, Shiny N., SepeGa, orcan, Fidel
Afternoon all,
Greets from N. Ireland
hey man
what's up? :grinning2:
oooooooooooooooooooooooH should be without those stuuupid vocals:angry:
sweeeet if it would be without the terrible vocals
waiting to get dinner servedhello
not too much going on here at the moment
and urself?
Hey Altered-Mind, The_Yeti_+, solarwind45, ollie, LaCeeN, Laan, The Cat Lady, tomekmocarz1, Leuzimn, Sypher, Shiny N., SepeGa, orcan, Fidel
I haven't been there yet. Is it a cool city? (kiss)
go-go dancEEEE
hello all
No its not. Boring and not typically the Dutch City architecture which is too bad. There is one thing I like; there are not that much foreigners