27-10-2008 We Unite as One


Staff member
May 1, 2006
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Hello everyone, :) have a quick read on the bottom post, kind of important.

Afterhours community has been growing extremely strong in past 2.5 years of it being launched. I know there has been much more "bad" posting going on in the last few weeks. It really hurts me :( to see this kind of "behavior" don’t know if that is the kind of word to be used here or not, but I’m sure you understand what I’m trying to say here.

Basically I would like for all of you to think before you post, there are many cultures here and many types of different people here, however I would like for you to be nice to one another. This is what makes Afterhours (us) unique in this scene; we have a strong well-respected community. So i ask you again please be nice to one another and respectful to the DJ's, if you want to post bad things then this place is NOT for you. Were here to unite and enjoy Trance/Progressive music and also communicate with one another as i call it "family" way.

This message does not affect all the readers reading this, nor Im picking on anyone specific this is just a reminder

Please respect one another and respectful to the DJ's, after all were all brothers and sisters. :) :friends:

comments welcomed and appreciated.

ps... if everyone follows this, we will be a happy family :)

thank you for mentioning this topic....by the way you have done a terrific job in just this pass year. you have made different events from different country's.. and me ... I ....personally appreciate this ...I have met people from other country's that I would have not met without AFTERHOURS.FM.....I even saw ARMIN VAN BUUREN PLAYING MUSIC LIVE.....thank you very much DAN....now back to the topic ,I will keep my coments to my self ....cause I don't wanna get banned for ratting or sniching on some one....but you said it just right:loveah:......:thankyou:......:wink:
I fully agree with Dan. Afterhours.FM is no place for intolerance of other people. Trance music unites us all, which is why we're all here in the first place right?
agreers Wiz U Boss :) .

AlwaYs Love & Respect 2 AH :)

These Words 're ReallY Appreciated :)

I do agree with all of this :grinning: Long live the AH community! :bravo:
i agree as well!
therefore i wrote it in my "user title" :grinning:
Well said Dan :) I'm totally with you.

What I find funny is that some people think that if they dislike something that they MUST comment and tell everyone else, that's just not true. "No feedback = Bad feedback", simple as that, it's much easier to not say anything at all, but then that would be the politically correct and friendly way, which a few people don't seem to understand.

I think it's best to put your energies into appreciating the things you really love, rather than into hating things you don't.:friends::friends:
Well said Dan :) I'm totally with you.

What I find funny is that some people think that if they dislike something that they MUST comment and tell everyone else, that's just not true. "No feedback = Bad feedback", simple as that, it's much easier to not say anything at all, but then that would be the politically correct and friendly way, which a few people don't seem to understand.

I think it's best to put your energies into appreciating the things you really love, rather than into hating things you don't.:friends::friends:

maybe i didn't have enough coffee yet...but that to me looks like you're contradicting yourself :P

maybe "Bad Feedback=No Feedback" is what you mean? :tongue:
maybe i didn't have enough coffee yet...but that to me looks like you're contradicting yourself :P

maybe "Bad Feedback=No Feedback" is what you mean? :tongue:

i think what he means is when you dont give feedback your not interested.
Yes I mean exactly what I wrote,

Giving no feedback is the same way as giving bad feedback, basically it shows you don't give enough of a shit to say that it appealed to you.
i think what he means is when you dont give feedback your not interested.

Yes I mean exactly what I wrote,

Giving no feedback is the same way as giving bad feedback, basically it shows you don't give enough of a shit to say that it appealed to you.

OK got it :P, and the gallon of coffee may have helped too :)

i still think that if put nicely negative feedback is more useful than silence...its something to think about and maybe work on improving :)
OK got it :P, and the gallon of coffee may have helped too :)

i still think that if put nicely negative feedback is more useful than silence...its something to think about and maybe work on improving :)

yeah I agree totally, but most people don't understand what "constructive" is,

negative feedback is not constructive feedback

Being constructive and being negative are 2 totally different things, so if I hear a set then write a comment "this track sucks", that's not constructive, that's 100% negative. If the comment was "this track doesn't really go with the rest of the set in my opinion", that's the same thing, but gives a reason why.

But even then, if someones set plays and they get 3 posts from people in the forum, that speaks volumes.
I think I must've missed the bad posts to be honest - I've always found AH one of the most pleasant and positive of all the forums I go on. I love that it has worldwide appeal and isn't dominated by cliques from any one particular country and that it's the love of the music that we all share :friends: :music:

Regarding the bad feedback issue, I know what Nick is getting at. My personal view is that I've never shed a tear or taken offence to anyone who's said that they don't like my music or my sets. I'm mature enough to realise that taste is subjective and as such you can't castigate anyone for having different tastes. I daren't think how many people worldwide eat rice or drink pure orange juice, for example, billions probably. Yet rice makes me puke and I'm allergic to pure orange juice - does this make me "wrong"? No, it makes me different. And it's always important to remember that every one of us is different, and as a DJ/Producer, it's inevitable that you can't please everybody all of the time.

So like Nick says, if people post saying "this track sucks" or such, that's not really constructive. It'd be like me abusing everyone in the world who eats rice purely on the basis that I don't like it, which would make no sense at all. But overall, I still think it's true to say that at least giving an opinion either way is preferable to ignoring it altogether, so long as you keep perspective. There are (very seldom) shows on AH that aren't really my thing but that doesn't make the DJ bad, and often I may still tune in and listen anyway just to see how others do things! :music:

Personally I'm happy that anyone listens to my shows at all, and sometimes a note/comment/email from someone saying how much they enjoyed one of them absolutely makes my day. One time last year I'd had a horrid, horrid day at work and was ready to throw things at the wall when I got home, only to find that I'd had an email from a paramedic in Chicago telling me that they always love to have a CD of me on when they go out on calls and it moved me to tears.

The one over-riding perspective I think that everyone should keep is that it is the music that brings us all together. Music cares not about territorial boundaries, religious differences, gender or sexual preferences, age discrepancies, or political persuasions, and has brought me more joy in my life than anything else I can think of.

My personal hope is that AH will continue for many more years bringing that joy and sense of community to a world that sorely needs it :ah:
I think I must've missed the bad posts to be honest - I've always found AH one of the most pleasant and positive of all the forums I go on. I love that it has worldwide appeal and isn't dominated by cliques from any one particular country and that it's the love of the music that we all share :friends: :music:

Regarding the bad feedback issue, I know what Nick is getting at. My personal view is that I've never shed a tear or taken offence to anyone who's said that they don't like my music or my sets. I'm mature enough to realise that taste is subjective and as such you can't castigate anyone for having different tastes. I daren't think how many people worldwide eat rice or drink pure orange juice, for example, billions probably. Yet rice makes me puke and I'm allergic to pure orange juice - does this make me "wrong"? No, it makes me different. And it's always important to remember that every one of us is different, and as a DJ/Producer, it's inevitable that you can't please everybody all of the time.

So like Nick says, if people post saying "this track sucks" or such, that's not really constructive. It'd be like me abusing everyone in the world who eats rice purely on the basis that I don't like it, which would make no sense at all. But overall, I still think it's true to say that at least giving an opinion either way is preferable to ignoring it altogether, so long as you keep perspective. There are (very seldom) shows on AH that aren't really my thing but that doesn't make the DJ bad, and often I may still tune in and listen anyway just to see how others do things! :music:

Personally I'm happy that anyone listens to my shows at all, and sometimes a note/comment/email from someone saying how much they enjoyed one of them absolutely makes my day. One time last year I'd had a horrid, horrid day at work and was ready to throw things at the wall when I got home, only to find that I'd had an email from a paramedic in Chicago telling me that they always love to have a CD of me on when they go out on calls and it moved me to tears.

The one over-riding perspective I think that everyone should keep is that it is the music that brings us all together. Music cares not about territorial boundaries, religious differences, gender or sexual preferences, age discrepancies, or political persuasions, and has brought me more joy in my life than anything else I can think of.

My personal hope is that AH will continue for many more years bringing that joy and sense of community to a world that sorely needs it :ah:
here here!! if u havent got anything nice to say then dont say it cos it will spoil it for other people. trance will save the world one day and by knocking peoples interests and stuff shouldnt happen man. :friends:
Granted smart azz comments aren't warranted.Got to admit there are some horrible tracks out there:P

In the end,all that really matters is the music.

Long live EDM!!


okay i got the point.

What i didnt understand is, that the Chief himself DAN must write such a post instead the people they dislike some user posts have th eeggs to tell the ppl directly...

We Unite as One is the main idea and i signe it 100%

the only point i have to be discussed is... that if ppl believe to write something bad cause its their real honest meaning, they better should not write cause it disturbes the harmony ?

So i think also negative feedback is feedback, cause the generall meaning of feedback is, that you say what you have seen, heard whatever, and then discuss about. Like Nick said ..a sentence like that track sux is no feedback BUT to say that track sux cause..... is feedback, so we cant spear out negative feedback we better have to discuss that bad feedback...thats the way i have learned in my life what feedback in his general meaning really is...negative or positive makes no difference if it is based and commented with a meaning...cauz also a post like Wooot on a track is NO feedback ;)

just my thoughts, it can be im totally wrong but i think, only nice feedback may be a wrong way to go forward...more unnice feedback what is based on a meaning and discussed is also helpfull and im surely will not be a liar
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I see what you mean, but wouldn't you rather get reasoned feedback and know exactly how to improve upon it rather than getting a simple "This sucks" and wrack your brains trying to improve on your sets?
true Tarek...but you have to understand that most ppl here are just listeners and its hard for them to start off the bat by explaining why "this sucks"...its the first expression of their feeling...mind you there are better ways to put it tho..."i don't like this track" etc.....but on the other hand if the DJ is present and cares what audience thinks he will ask for clarification, the comment may be purely based on personal taste for a certain track or maybe there is something in the mixing itself, which in my listening experience it hasn't happened that often that mixing skill was an issue, so its up to the DJ to get that clarified.

Now, the problem i see is that some are not willing to accept any criticism of any kind and will either "hide" and simply watch or ignore the comments completely.

Nobody is perfect, so in order for one to better him/herself they will have to face and be able to deal with all kinds of opinions and comments, take it all, weigh the benefit and if you think its to your advantage to make a change than follow up on it.

Personally i prefer an honest comment of "this is not good" than "this is great" just out of respect only or not to hurt my feelings., because i can inquire about a "this is not good" and try to fix it.

Also this is an open forum and the purpose is for ppl to express opinions as long as its not getting to the point of being rude and obnoxious to the rest of the members comments will always be made.
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