Mr Flash in the house
hello wailoo![]()

well Marco my honest opinion and seriously now, well there are tracks that are pure trance tracks with vocals, that are not bad but is a minority like 5% or less, the others vocal tracks are not trance at all, they really sound like pop tracks.
For example a vocal track i like and it's a pure trance track is Elsa Hill - Lost (Temple One Remix) and there are more like that one i can't remember now:grinning2:
Elsa Hill - Lost one of the amazing tracks! agree with you on this.
Margoss, feel_it, motiv8, Poshout, CuNego, tiga, NamuraZen, Tomek, marco18, FlyAway, evyqueen87, Toma, Trance Nation, piccoli, fernie, sanyekk, TimmyNether, DJ Strahl, Ghoste, Constr, *AvA*, chilapastras, yURy, wailo, trance_fan, Emotion, TeroA, Gab, AnGHeLL, errrrrrik, Lokki, angel_hu, The Cat Lady, Ovidiu22, Dzimka, Katadunkass, t4e, Lacus, Bobster^^, DJ MaPaX, Skullita, saad, Sebbz, CVic, pooka, eLement, Hardmar, zegan, maras86pl
Good evening![]()
Good evening