Mr Flash in the house
hello wailoo
well Marco my honest opinion and seriously now, well there are tracks that are pure trance tracks with vocals, that are not bad but is a minority like 5% or less, the others vocal tracks are not trance at all, they really sound like pop tracks.
For example a vocal track i like and it's a pure trance track is Elsa Hill - Lost (Temple One Remix) and there are more like that one i can't remember now:grinning2:
Elsa Hill - Lost one of the amazing tracks! agree with you on this.
Margoss, feel_it, motiv8, Poshout, CuNego, tiga, NamuraZen, Tomek, marco18, FlyAway, evyqueen87, Toma, Trance Nation, piccoli, fernie, sanyekk, TimmyNether, DJ Strahl, Ghoste, Constr, *AvA*, chilapastras, yURy, wailo, trance_fan, Emotion, TeroA, Gab, AnGHeLL, errrrrrik, Lokki, angel_hu, The Cat Lady, Ovidiu22, Dzimka, Katadunkass, t4e, Lacus, Bobster^^, DJ MaPaX, Skullita, saad, Sebbz, CVic, pooka, eLement, Hardmar, zegan, maras86pl
Good evening
Good evening