Hellooooo from Brasil!
*i hate when i have to write brasil with Z...
heyyy hello chikinitus
how r u?
Hellooooo from Brasil!
*i hate when i have to write brasil with Z...
LOL only joking with you because someone told me to do like that in red:grinning2::grinning2:
LOL only joking with you because someone told me to do like that in red:grinning2::grinning2:
radio crash my angel?
Hellooooo from Brasil!
*i hate when i have to write brasil with Z...
more like Radio Crash so an ANGEL came to save the radio Mash-Up.radio crash my angel?
are you talking about Angel? :grinning2:
this track doesn't have Emotion enough LOL :grinning2:
weird mash-up, bass sounds to weird
more like Radio Crash so an ANGEL came to save the radio Mash-Up.
Radio Crash is great:grinning2:
more like Radio Crash so an ANGEL came to save the radio Mash-Up.
now with that out the way:
can there be some Wizzy Noise psytrance choons in ur next show? :angel:
now with that out the way:
can there be some Wizzy Noise psytrance choons in ur next show? :angel:
heyyy hello chikinitus
how r u?
Emotion: Wanna dance?
the Angel came to save the radio crash, i dont like that song. lolomg you are amazing