My hands on that.Sorry guys but what are you annoyed about?
Firstly... It's our own fault tracks get "overplayed", cause WWEEEEEEE like them!
Secondly... It's the EOYC! We look back at the past year, so nothing wrong with playing tracks from the last year.
Thirdly... I've done enough tracklists this EOYC to say that there isn't really one track that is overplayed this EOYC, especially not this one.
better metropolis
but on a good metropolis (m&s54 mashup) rox
i'm really looking for their set here @ EOYC
30 minutes long version?Exposure, labielecki's fav track
Tune out then! :LMAO:
i feel the same :LMAO:
better metropolis
but on a metropolis day(m&s54 mashup) rox
i'm really looking for their set here @ EOYC