your yellow colour is welcome![]()
ollie - pink
jedrek - yellow
ella - red and this is ok![]()
i heard a lot of opinions polish food is good don't know whysorry but I don't understand. Dan is my best friend. I was there when the entire server crashed and it took dan two days of hard work to get it back up.... 3 dozen cups of coffee and some of my grandmothers polish food Afterhours finally came back up...
I think that says a lot about how much I care about Afterhours, AH family and DAN himself![]()
Bueno, las reglas de este foro son claras, escribir en ingles..
pero si hacemos algo por otro lado y que sea en español es una buena idea...![]()
sorry but I don't understand. Dan is my best friend. I was there when the entire server crashed and it took dan two days of hard work to get it back up.... 3 dozen cups of coffee and some of my grandmothers polish food Afterhours finally came back up...
I think that says a lot about how much I care about Afterhours, AH family and DAN himself![]()
sorry but I don't understand. Dan is my best friend. I was there when the entire server crashed and it took dan two days of hard work to get it back up.... 3 dozen cups of coffee and some of my grandmothers polish food Afterhours finally came back up...
I think that says a lot about how much I care about Afterhours, AH family and DAN himself![]()