28-01-2008 Always Alive With Daniel Kandi 023 - OMG YearMix

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but that forms up in the clouds though

I'm talking about ice falling from the sky. :grinning:

But at the temperatures that I'm hearin' about up there, I'd probably turn into an ice cube long before ice cubes fell from the sky.
well Grand Cayman still in the Caribbean cool.dood:)

I know...but I was referring to the "touristic" Caribbean...:)...that´s where all good things are...great resorts, good restaurants,clubs,etc...:mask:
what Kandi said? my phone ranged at that time
I know...but I was referring to the "touristic" Caribbean...:)...that´s where all good things are...great resorts, good restaurants,clubs,etc...:mask:

i want to go into wilderness, away from civilization, just me and Wilson :lol::lol:
I´ve always wanted to go to Dubai....I see photos and reviews,and everyone says that´s beautiful....:grinning::grinning:
well its not as people say it is nice but its over rated. clubs close at 3 am, they are not allowed to open after that you cannot buy your own alcohol unless from a bar or you get a bottle from the airport they have toooooo many rules
Nice version of 'Beatitude' but her voice in chorus is still annoying...
How goes it Chompie? :)

Good. I've been having a nice day so far. It was raining a few days ago, but the clouds have long since disappeared and the sun is shining. :grinning:
just go into a corner and die u damn track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
