thanks hun,same to youBye David. Take care, sweetheart. (kiss)
damn,this sounds good,but i have to go
thanks hun,same to youBye David. Take care, sweetheart. (kiss)
Time Wave Zero...Ozcan's...
Discover is the best
some healthy part of energy ! :grinning:
There's an unhealthy part? (kiss)
Yes, of course ! There's ' blunt ' ( non-melodic techno & house ) which can contain lot's of energy but it's mere ' sound ' to me, not music
There's an unhealthy part? (kiss)
There. Restored.
Okay. I voted. Both sets were great. The guest mix better than the main mix, I think. It was very wooty. I actually got out of my chair and danced in the office. The cats thought there was something wrong with me.
hello there ladies and gents...
dame i tunned in waaay to late...