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28-07-2009 Coldharbour Day 2009

Vote for your favourite sets from Coldharbour Day

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im not done with this....i want more now! hahaha

more beach ballllllssss!! hahahahahah
yeah for YOU its hillarious!

for me Friday nights are scary...when are thye going to get drunk enough that we have to go inside and listen...ONE MORE TIME!@

kat stands up clapping staring at the tv like a kid

YES YES YES she screams the whole time

HAHAH SAVE MEEEE!!! hahahahhaha

girl you got to pop in some AH setz on ur friday nitz with ur friendz
Hm, Myon & Shane54 Only
8 hours Myon & Shane54

Like a zillion tunes! :')
chair raving :)

ahhh well induct you tro the Coldharbour Chair Dancers Alliance....its a fun group....mainly consits of me....and a few others trapped at their work desks for GDJB hahahahahhaha
