Nu NRG - Freefall
I'm 23 and I've only been listening to trance since 2006, so for me... it's oldoldtime ??
you must be very young if that is old for you
oldtime ??
you must be very young if that is old for you
I'm a girl. We're pussies, remember? We don't do unfiltered.
edit: Are you old enough to remember Raleighs? They are gone now. :grinning:
MASSIVE Hard Trance set. I'm awake. No coffee needed. How about you guys? :grinning:
I'm 23 and I've only been listening to trance since 2006, so for me... it's old
thanks to wailo
of my teenage years i made a resolution to try every cigarette possible...i tried many many brands from bensen & hedges to tarrytons, raleighs and even cirginia slims...i just wanted to know what these things taste like...also liked skoal bandits! but haven't touched anyof that in 10+ years..
loads of coffe and Coke
so i will be here a looooong time today from the start
i hope to catch my own set