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29-03-2009 Middle East in the Mix 005

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Super8 & Tab - Helsinki Scorchin' :wub: :bravo: :super: :choon: :love:

Okay. I'm back. I'm calm and serene again. :blush:

I went and got a plate that wasn't long for this world anyways, and I smashed it into oblivion on the kitchen floor. Then I cleaned up the mess and made a big hot chocolate. Did you know that marshmallows get stale? Then I walked the dog, fed the cats and sat in my living room and stared at my misting lamps and drank my hot chocolate.

My dog was like, "OMG! OMG! What's wrong? Can I help? Tell me what HAPPENED!!!" :yikes:
My cats were like, "What's her major source of maladjustment?" :mask:

I much prefer to have a small fit and get it over with than to do what women usually do which is to stew about it and carry a grudge for months. I'm okay now. (sigh) :cat:
Sunday, 29-03-2009, 06:08 AM #300
Afterhours.FM DEEJAY
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DistantLand is online now
Join Date: May 2006
Location: In love with UpliftingWitch

Posts: 14,000 :bravo: <- click me ! :grinning2:
* Congrats :sleeping: :dancing: at your _14K_ :dancing: DistantLand :clap: :dancing: ! *

Thank you danmark! :super:

I even got the 300th post. :lol:

Wow that's really amazing! Reminds me of the time when you did that in the other place. :hug:

Copyright © Polar 2009. :lol:
* Now Listening : 841 ~ 04 Praveen Achary - Middle East in the Mix 005 on AH.FM

Hello Afterhours.fm :)

hi good afternoon here BEE BEE ! :cap:

:dancing: spending the time with chat, fun & jokes while listening ! :grinning:​
Super8 & DJ Tab vs Karen Overton - Lovin' Helsinki (Tijest vs deciBel Bootleg) ?

