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29-04-2009 Polonia in the Mix 007

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Oh I am ;-) Ahh I'll save the shots for later, got the day off tomorrow, so yea, they are gonna get on the table later, promiss :dance:

oooo a bunch of drunk bois dancing on teh tables...me & tcl want some video:)

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WFT ? :mask:
LOL...live video streaming???: lol:: lol:

That could be arranged. :devil::hug::cat:


Polar?: hmmm:

of course:mask:

Liar. (kiss) :mask::P:hug::cat:

haha, yea really :) I got a fench all around, pretty high one, so it's pretty private ^^ It's lovely that you can do whatever without thinking about the neighbours hehe.. On friday I'm throwing a yard party, it's gonna be a blast :)

Damn! I want to see that!! I wish I could go to your party! I'll bet it will be so much fun! (kiss!) :super::dance::friends::cat:


Wet cat in towels, now, boys. Heh, heh, heh. All my neighbors are at work. My doors and windows are open for the breeze. It's lovely. (KISS!) :devil::super::dance::mml::love::cat:
