Sacha ja przynajmniej umiem uarumentowac swoje zdanie a dojrzalosc wiekowa nie ma tu nic do tego, patrzac na Twoje posty zal mi sie Ciebie robi "Ban" Zal" No Go, No comment co chcesz przez to wyrazic, tylko i wylacznie swoja glupote ktora blyszczysz.
been listening in and out all day you guys are awesome :hello: very impressed with all the Polish talent i like Thomas Datt,,Luke Blanc,, and Nitrous Oxide of course
been listening in and out all day you guys are awesome :hello: very impressed with all the Polish talent i like Thomas Datt,,Luke Blanc,, and Nitrous Oxide of course
only been on since 11 oclock (am UK) and this is the best set without a
doubt, imo - I wouldn't normally tout for one artist but its been happening all
day even after 30 mins of their set