same here mate !!!
:smile: Lota elephants isnt it ?
well the majority ... Its 'Sinhalease' ... and in Colombo (Capital) mostly English , Sinhalease, Tamil,malay ...ect![]()
hola Miss Glam !You're back already ?
good thing u were browsing..
yeah. As it's the same track / composer, but not neccessarily the same listeners![]()
Welcome avoice217. Did you sleep well ? :grinning:
Tritonal - Peircing Quiet (Air Up There Remix)![]()
Piercing quiet - Tritonal!! not sure what remixxx it is
yes....dont know if i can stay for vickys set i have to work tomarrow at 8....
i know! now you have someone new to listen to
.... Is Overated.
nope, currently runnin on 4 hrs of sleep. went 2 lan party yesterday & came home round 230a. woke up early 4 church. needless to say, i was fightin 2 stay awake durin service.
I saw Dave and Chad last night.... BOY!!! Chad looks different!! He lost a lot of weight!![]()