sooooo romantic
it must have been an amazing spam event
sure was... but it really got on people's nerves with some of the icons and smileys that were being posted. I am glad that I left when I did.
sooooo romantic
it must have been an amazing spam event
If not then this whole event has been a waste for me
OMG I love you so much!!
sooooo romantic
it must have been an amazing spam event
1000 posts oi not a lot 20000. Why people dont sleep, dont eat, dont SEX
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a rather hypothetical point of view !
omg forum goes damn fast :LMAO:
just a lil time i was away coz of my new henna pattern and wow..
heres alrealy 10pages more :LMAO:
everytime finish reading a page there are 2 new ones!!!