29-06-2010 Portugal in the Mix 002

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STUNNINGGGGGGGG :music: BRILLIANCEE BEAUTYYYYYYYYYYYY Absolute Choontastic :choon::wub::wub::wub::hug:
J'attend le Tiesto portugais :D
guys n girls im going to bed now :sleeping:, thx everyone for the nice company :hug:and keep on trancing thru the night/morning :mml: - take care BYEEEEEE :wave:

BIG :thankyou: 2 ALL the awesome DJ´s :megacrazy:
guys n girls im going to bed now :sleeping:, thx everyone for the nice company :hug:and keep on trancing thru the night/morning :mml: - take care BYEEEEEE :wave:

BIG :thankyou: 2 ALL the awesome DJ´s :megacrazy:
Sweet Dreams ollie!:hug::friends:
guys n girls im going to bed now :sleeping:, thx everyone for the nice company :hug:and keep on trancing thru the night/morning :mml: - take care BYEEEEEE :wave:

BIG :thankyou: 2 ALL the awesome DJ´s :megacrazy:
sweet trancey dreams ollie
* Now Listening: 825 ~ 15 Blue Kore - Portugal in the Mix 002 on AH.FM *

guys n girls im going to bed now :sleeping:, thx everyone for the nice company :hug:and keep on trancing thru the night/morning :mml: - take care BYEEEEEE :wave:

BIG :thankyou: 2 ALL the awesome DJ´s :megacrazy:

dag ollie :wave: sleep well - and: see you tomorrow ! :grinning:

lol I just Tune in! It's 8 in the evening here in Montreal this is a serious question, I am just a big Fan of Tiesto and I wanted you to say yes lol

Nah, no Tiesto here, mate:friends:
