ouch. i know how you feel. i had mine taken out 2 years ago. i kinda liked the medicine. made me drowzythat just what i said
ouch. i know how you feel. i had mine taken out 2 years ago. i kinda liked the medicine. made me drowzythat just what i said
that just what i said
ouch. i know how you feel. i had mine taken out 2 years ago. i kinda liked the medicine. made me drowzy
it is. you feel drowzy all times. you feel weak. everything feels softyeah i randomly fall asleep while sitting here trancing its kinda funny
i wish i had ah.fm by that time when i got them out.these last 3 days ive been stuck pretty much inside oh well the tunes are good
it is. you feel drowzy all times. you feel weak. everything feels soft
i wish i had ah.fm by that time when i got them out.
:dontknow:psy sounds now??
yes don't you remember i couldn't stop sneezing the other day.....and yesterday i couldn;t even move ...today is like the medication takes over...i thought i had the swine flu....cause it's weard that i got so sick in the summer ..and the deaths in florida towards the swine flu went up i got scared.so you know the hosipatal's they shoot you with evry thing...wow i believe i really do get dizzybut it's all good the set before this one was awesomeyou've been in hospital lately ?
i love it. was just listening psy a while ago in my car. a psy remix on The Killers - Somebody Told Me:dontknow:
it sucks you cant eat much tho.
yeah it makes it so you cant do anything constructive