29-07-2011 Italy in the Mix 004

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Chinese are involved, Malaysian chinese maybe? hahaha:lol:

Lol! Spot On! :lolz:

Quite true that most Malaysian born Chinese race are conquering the business/Industries :)

While the malay (including me) majority works for the public sector & some other works for agriculture sector i.e Paddy plantation & rubber collector :mask:
How many pacs do you need? hahah

holy cow, parece que alla no tienen desabastecimiento :LMAO:

not that bad :rofl:


arty fan lover ? :hmmm:

doesn't he cute?

Is it Over? :confused:
16:00 - 17:00 /\ Vitodito

17:00 - 21:00 /\ Manuel Le Saux

21:00 - 22:00 /\ Giuseppe Ottaviani
....And the Party still Continues :drunk:
Lol! Spot On! :lolz:

Quite true that most Malaysian born Chinese race are conquering the business/Industries :)

While the malay (including me) majority works for the public sector & some other works for agriculture sector i.e Paddy plantation & rubber collector :mask:


chinese are conquering the world...

they are everywhere, include in my own house...hahahah (my wife is from China!) :LMAO:
that's a sweet voice:wow::wink:
awesome start :music:
