Oui, je parle le francais. Tout comme aakos!
Hey Jeff , Where did u find that Picture ....Quality m8 :grinning:
Oh and what is it about?!is the class that I will have soon.
I have heard alot of ALY & FILA sets but this is right up with the best of them.
nice hearings:angel:
Well, have to see to believe!
Well, thats something, yeah! very creative!Im coloring....I have the Aly and fila coloring book
Oui, je parle le francais. Tout comme aakos!
I remember, ask me! Anyway, hope you did well, aakos!i had some exams in that time.
i just dont remember clearly but i was really f. up!
Oh and what is it about?!
Bhen, a propos de toi, je me rappelle que tu parles le francais, mais peux tu confirmer?!t'es sur? j'ai oublié bcp de chose