Armin's wife will get half his stuff in the divorce.
i hope she keeps the shit faithless tune, in that way Armin won't do a rework remix or something similar
Armin's wife will get half his stuff in the divorce.
are they going to play this track until we like it.
to be honest i don't like this track at all, booooooring angel ! can you imagine one ?! a boring angel...
damn angel your getting feathers all over my bachorlette be honest i don't like this track at all, booooooring angel ! can you imagine one ?! a boring angel...
i see you
damn your following me around from forum to forum and now you are looking in my window.i see you
antes q te vayas te puedo pedir un fa? Sip??
es q no se lo que quiere decir el usuario Blizzard me podruas ayudar un poquitin ??
Gracias !!!
damn your following me around from forum to forum and now you are looking in my window.
WELCOME !! Jo Micali at this Show
Nice intro ...
Rajocaru, tengo una duda... que significa tu nombre, Rajo = rajar, de los mexicanos? y caro = carolina, tal vez? yo tengo parientes en Colombia y alla les encantan colocar diminutivos a los nombres. Solo es una simple pregunta