we are all working class remember that
I took the day off work today, so I can tune in all day lol
I took the day off work today, so I can tune in all day lol
06 Temple One - Aurora (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
Wish we all could do that
That's the spirit, makes for an excellent start to the week bunking off on Monday!
gotta have the occasional sicky to keep your bosses on their toes
It's an offcial holiday, had too many sicky's this year. Wanted it off so I could enjoy the Euro Final properly last night as well. Was a struggle getting up for this lol. Using Trance for a hangover cure.
good job Cliffy
The Queen should have declared this day a national holiday anyway seeing as it's Uk in the mix. Probably doesn't like Trance, bet she's into Gabba or summit.
aah if it's official at least you have a clear conscious
lol shame I don't have a clear head.