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30-06-2009 Shah-Music Day

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* Now Listening : 513 ~ 23 Arctic Moon - Shah-Music Day on AH.FM *

the whole day yeah. lol. Arctic Moon is up next. in about 13 minutes. huge uplifter.:super:

Arctic Moon
Arctic Moon Discography at Discogs :book:
Images for Arctic Moon
Real Name: Thomas Popielarski
Profile: Polish producer, born in 1988.


URLs: Arctic Moon
Arctic Moon on MySpace
thats another one too ....jave sunbeam i think it's called oh ..i see
i think to run scripts. is to run the program to read the scripts of the program you are opening. or are in different format or programming. its a bit difficult.

Arctic Moon now. Polish trancer ftw!
thanks so much for the welcome much love for everyone that love the music that fuels my life helllll yeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he shouldnt be a follower he should be a leader
:iagree: but i havent heard much of Arctic Moon as a DJ. only as producer. some producers have massive stuff. but as djs they are a bit off. or opposite.:music:
