hello ollie
Somebody got the tracklist?
ooooH hello Bitzi how´s everything?
i better say HELLO to all tranceAHddicts here so i dont miss anyone
Current tune:
Skytech - Asteroid
I thought it was Skytech. I think comet is even better
today everything is fine because it's Shah Music Day
and how is your day so far??
Today in Belgium:
sunny & 29°C
Tomorrow in Belgium:
Sunny & 34°C
my day started with coffe and good music i went to bed 02.30 this morning, listened to PITM but then i gave up
after half of Nery's set i was to tired too and i went to bed. SoundLift's set was amazing
Have to run!!
C ya all later!
Perfect track for a sunny day like this! Anyone got ID?